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Classroom Learning

Classroom learning or more commonly known as Instructor-Led Training (ILT) is usually delivered at the course provider premises where they housed their state-of-the-art equipment which often couple with hands-on labs which provide excellent and results-oriented training.

This learning option provides a ready-to-learn environment where students can work-on real case studies and interact with their peers and instructor getting a real-world perspective and sharing of experiences. Most courses are designed and developed by the instructors who are experts at what they teach and has vast experience to teach key concepts and practical skills that can be applied as soon as you or your employees return to work.

Benefits for classroom training:

  • Ready-to-learn environment
  • Hands-on lab practice
  • Interaction between peers and instructor
  • Work-on real case studies
  • Meals and/or refreshments provided (optional)

There are some drawbacks for classroom learning

  • Need minimum class size to start
  • Training schedule depend on course provider

Can't find the learning option you want? Drop us an email and we will get back to you soon.